Chair Yoga

Interested in maintaining or even regaining strength, flexibility, balance, good posture, inner awareness, and a relaxed body & mind? PHEW...! That's sure a lot! Well, you can! Just join us each Wednesday a.m. in Pilgrim Hall at 10:00 am for chair yoga. No experience is necessary. Just wear loose clothing and your first lesson is […]

Sacred Silence

Each week we gather in the Parlor at 11:00am on Wednesday for a time of sacred silence, time to still our minds and join together in creating sacred space in silence. Join us for this powerful time of community and prayerful being.

Music Sunday

Plan to join us in Worship on Sunday, December 8th for a glorious morning of Music as we celebrate and worship through music. Our Choir will be sharing several songs and we will also be joined the Caitlin Kelley on violin (always a treat!). Our collections for the Service will go to the MUCC Music […]

Book Group

This month, the book group gathers in the Parlor to discuss The Measure by Nikki Erlick.

Zoom Grief Support Group

Rev. Carson Hawks will lead the final Grief Group Gathering this evening.  If you have attended any of the prior gatherings or if you haven’t, you are welcome back to this final gathering as we prepare to hold feelings of sadness during the upcoming holidays.  You are welcome to attend even if you have not […]

Chair Yoga

Interested in maintaining or even regaining strength, flexibility, balance, good posture, inner awareness, and a relaxed body & mind? PHEW...! That's sure a lot! Well, you can! Just join us each Wednesday a.m. in Pilgrim Hall at 10:00 am for chair yoga. No experience is necessary. Just wear loose clothing and your first lesson is […]

Sacred Silence

Each week we gather in the Parlor at 11:00am on Wednesday for a time of sacred silence, time to still our minds and join together in creating sacred space in silence. Join us for this powerful time of community and prayerful being.

Our Long Night Service via Zoom

Our December days are short and our December nights are long. On the Winter Solstice we will have just eight hours of light accompanied by sixteen hours of darkness. This is the season of darkness is more ways than one. Seasonal Affective Disorder, for example, affects many of us, sapping our energy and bringing a […]