The UCC is a progressive denomination that candidly engages both heart and mind; we are non-doctrinal and respectful of other faith traditions. We take the Bible seriously but not literally.
Here are a few of the ways that the UCC has been working through the years for justice and equity for all of God’s people.
- 1700: Early stand against slavery
- 1853: First woman pastor
- 1897: Denouncing economic oppression
- 1959: Public airwaves. UCC wins a legal ruling that ends the southern civil rights news blackout against Rev. Martin Luther King
- 1972: First openly gay minister
- 1976: First African American leader of integrated denomination
- 1995: Equality of the sexes (first hymnal that honors in equal measure both male and female images of God)
- 1997: Open & Affirming. Magnolia UCC, Seattle, formally became an Open & Affirming congregation, ensuring that everyone is welcome here.
- 2014: Marriage equality. UCC files lawsuit arguing North Carolina unconstitutionally restricted religious freedom by barring the blessing of same-sex couples.