
MUCC is committed to offering high-quality learning opportunities.  We host Bible Study forums, providing a safe space for respectful dialogue and discussions. We also sponsor and host regular educational Learning Forums on a wide variety of topics. Some of the prior topics we have focused on are strategies to support LGBTQ+ loved ones, emerging data on the causes of homelessness, debunking assumptions about critical race theory, strategies to decrease meat consumption to minimize our impact on climate change and most recently learning about emerging artificial intelligence efforts and considering how they impact what it means to be human!

Spiritual Retreats

MUCC offers regular spiritual retreats in the Fall and Spring. Past topics have centered on the themes of belonging, forgiveness, gratitude and resilience. During these spiritual retreats, you will find opportunities for reflection, engagement, art and companionship.


Rev. Carson Hawks virtually lead us through our Spring Retreat, Abundant Love, as we gathered in the Sanctuary at MUCC on Saturday, March 15th, from 9:00am to 2:00pm. We hope you’ll join us in the fall when we open sign-ups for our Fall Spiritual Retreat!