Sacred Silence

Each week we gather in the Parlor at 11:00am on Wednesday for a time of sacred silence, time to still our minds and join together in creating sacred space in silence. Join us for this powerful time of community and prayerful being.

Games Night

Join us on Friday, January 24, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, for Game Night! Plan to attend this Friday Night Games Extravaganza in Pilgrim Hall! Games could include scrabble, […]

2025 Annual Budget Meeting

On January 26th after worship, starting at 11:15 am we will gather both in the Sanctuary and on Zoom for our annual Budget meeting to hear an update from Council […]

Chair Yoga

Interested in maintaining or even regaining strength, flexibility, balance, good posture, inner awareness, and a relaxed body & mind? PHEW...! That's sure a lot! Well, you can! Just join us […]

Sacred Silence

Each week we gather in the Parlor at 11:00am on Wednesday for a time of sacred silence, time to still our minds and join together in creating sacred space in silence. Join us for this powerful time of community and prayerful being.

Zoom Pub Theology

This month’s question is ‘is ‘Do we have a moral duty to future humans?’ So, grab a drink and join in the conversation! Join on Zoom. (Meeting ID: 886 8245 6539, Passcode: 114498)

Bible Study: The Gospel of John

Join us for a deep dive into an amazing Gospel. Access the bible study here. Meeting ID: 820 0571 5457 Passcode: 920473

Chair Yoga

Interested in maintaining or even regaining strength, flexibility, balance, good posture, inner awareness, and a relaxed body & mind? PHEW...! That's sure a lot! Well, you can! Just join us […]

Knights of the Square Table (MUCC Men’s Group)

The men of MUCC (known as the Knights of the Square Table) meet monthly on the first Wednesday of every month at 12:30 with a rotating location at various local restaurants.  Tom Ranken sends out email notices.  The location switches regularly.  It’s a purely social gathering!  Tom Ranken sends out the email notification with the […]