Rev. Carson Hawks continues to lead this online monthly grief support group to help support and empower you in processing your grief and moving forward in your lives. The group is open to anyone who is experiencing grief. You are free to participate as often as you want - whether that is once, all year, […]
Zoom Pub Theology restarts with Pastor Marci this October. Plan to attend, grab a drink, and join the conversation from the comfort of your own home! Join on Zoom. (Meeting ID: 886 8245 6539, Passcode: 114498)
The animals that we share our lives with bless us in so many ways. On Sunday, October 27th, Pastor Marci will be returning from her sabbatical to lead worship. During the service she will bless our special animal companions for all the gifts they offer to our lives and our hearts. If you would like […]
Join us at 5:30pm on Saturday, November 2nd in Pilgrim Hall for Salmon Dinner! Surf’s up for reservation sales for “A Day at the Beach” fundraiser event! At the November 2nd “A Day at the Beach” Salmon Dinner, you’ll have your chance to help others who aren’t having such a great day at the proverbial […]