November Collection: Queen Anne Helpline Thanksgiving Dinners!

This month, we are again helping Queen Anne Helpline prepare bags of
groceries for Thanksgiving Dinners for vulnerable Seniors. Through this program, low-income Seniors receive a big bag of groceries that include traditional Thanksgiving meal ingredients plus some extras to make for a comfortable holiday.

In past years, MUCC has contributed about half of all of the bags that QAHL delivered for Thanksgiving, and in partnership with the Preschool, we are gearing up to make it happen again.


We ask that each bag include the following: (you can find a flyer with this list here or pick up a list outside the office)

  • 2 cans of vegetables (1 corn and 1 green beans)
  • Box of mashed potatoes
  • Box of stuffing
  • Jar of cranberry sauce
  • Jar of gravy
  • Box of instant oatmeal
  • Package of cookies
  • Juice (at least 2 individual sized bottles per bag)

Queen Anne Helpline will purchase and include in each bag a package of fresh roasted/sliced turkey and a slice of pumpkin pie.


Additionally, this year QAHL is also asking for:

  • New or gently-used clothing – especially socks, underwear, and thermal underwear
  • Hygiene products (especially small, travel-sized, and individually packaged) like deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, shampoo, and small bars of soap
  • Unopened, unexpired, nonperishable food like oatmeal, granola bars, canned fruits and veggies, soup, and pasta


Bags and any other donations need to be dropped by the Church by November 24th and can be brought by Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm by setting up an appointment with Taylor at or on Sunday’s before or after worship.

You can also help support this organization through donations at and choose Queen Anne Helpline Special Offering, or you can write a check to MUCC and note Queen Anne Helpline in the memo. Thank you!