The great Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel once said, “Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement. . . . to be spiritual is to be amazed.” Radical amazement, what a way to live. . . . may it be so! And may these spiritual reflections be a tiny entry way into that beloved path of radical amazement as we journey towards the divine. Click an image below to read. – Pastor Marci
Celebrating the Fully Authentic Self
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV So, friends the story we just heard is of Jesus’ Transfiguration, his journey to the mountaintop, that thin place between here and God. And on that […]
Welcoming the Stranger
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV In the Gospel of Matthew, there was no census, or adoring shepherds, or Angel Gabrielle for Jesus’ birth. There was instead, a simple birth and then […]
This I Believe (3 of 3): My Beloved, I Give Thanks
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV The core beliefs that inform how I think about God and how I try to Minister and walk in this world go like this: God is […]
This I Believe (2 of 3): God is Love
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV I have a few core beliefs that inform how I think about God and how I try to Minister and walk in this world. They go […]
Living the Gospel: Reflections on the 2024 Election
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV So, here is something that I don’t think I have shared with you all before…. My lowest grade in Seminary was Introduction to Preaching. That class […]
This I Believe (1 of 3): God is Present
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV I have a few core beliefs that inform how I think about God and how I try to Minister and walk in this world. They go […]
The Comfort of Confession and the Call to Rethink Sin
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV This morning we did something a bit different for our worshipping community. Instead of an Opening Prayer, after our Gathering Words and Opening Hymn, we joined […]
The Threat of Christian Nationalism, MLK
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV This weekend we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, and honor his teachings, his work, his struggles and his life with and for God. Dr. King’s writings […]
Sitting with Our Own Judas and Forgiveness
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV So again friends, welcome to Holy Week! This is perhaps our most sacred week of the liturgical calendar. Palm Sunday begins our journey with Jesus entering […]
What Happens When We Die
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV So, our theme for this Lenton season has centered around moving out of wilderness and coming home to our God. Today, I want to talk about […]
Van Gogh and God’s Love
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV I love the Christmas story so much. I love the shepherds and the angels and Mary and Joseph and little baby Jesus. It’s a wonderful story […]
Standing with and for Domestic and Sexual Violence Survivors
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV Friends, today we turn our attention and intention to the topic of domestic and sexual violence. This is a difficult topic. As we do the important […]
The Meaning of Communion
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV A few years back when I was deep into my time in Seminary, I had to take a class related to worship styles. As a part […]
God’s Radical Welcome for All
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV As an Open and Affirming Church, who professed way back in 1996 that we ‘recognize all people are uniquely loved and valued by God’ and that […]
Why the Bible Matters – It is Still Speaking
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV I think it is fair to say that through the centuries, scripture has been used as a weapon to demonize, to justify enslavement and the subjection […]
The Story of Me and Mine
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV Friends, today we hear the story of Ruth and Naomi and I’ll cut right to the core meaning of the story, this is a story about […]
The Lost Legacy of Eve
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV Eve is the biblical first mother upon which so much has been laid over the centuries. And indeed so very much has been laid on Eve’s […]
Where is God in the Storm?
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV As a part of my old job before I became a minister, I used to fly all around the country. Many years ago, one of the […]
Miracles Happen!
Reverend Marci Scott-Weis, MDIV Today we have entered into a time of storytelling all around the miracle that is family. Just as it was thousands of years ago, family can […]