Chair Yoga

Interested in maintaining or even regaining strength, flexibility, balance, good posture, inner awareness, and a relaxed body & mind? PHEW...! That's sure a lot! Well, you can! Just join us […]

Sacred Silence

Each week we gather in the Parlor at 11:00am on Wednesday for a time of sacred silence, time to still our minds and join together in creating sacred space in […]

Spring Work Party

Magnolia UCC

Each quarter, we hold work parties to help maintain our beloved grounds and building! Plan to attend this Saturday morning work party this month to help keep our grounds looking […]

Lent Taizé Service

Taizé services are named from the place in which they were conceived by a monastic community of brothers in Taizé, France. Taizé services are usually characterized by three things: song, […]

Chair Yoga

Interested in maintaining or even regaining strength, flexibility, balance, good posture, inner awareness, and a relaxed body & mind? PHEW...! That's sure a lot! Well, you can! Just join us […]

Sacred Silence

Each week we gather in the Parlor at 11:00am on Wednesday for a time of sacred silence, time to still our minds and join together in creating sacred space in […]

Chair Yoga

Interested in maintaining or even regaining strength, flexibility, balance, good posture, inner awareness, and a relaxed body & mind? PHEW...! That's sure a lot! Well, you can! Just join us […]

Sacred Silence

Each week we gather in the Parlor at 11:00am on Wednesday for a time of sacred silence, time to still our minds and join together in creating sacred space in […]