Sacred Silence

Each week we gather in the Parlor at 11:00am on Wednesday for a time of sacred silence, time to still our minds and join together in creating sacred space in […]

Chair Yoga

Interested in maintaining or even regaining strength, flexibility, balance, good posture, inner awareness, and a relaxed body & mind? PHEW...! That's sure a lot! Well, you can! Just join us […]

Sacred Silence

Each week we gather in the Parlor at 11:00am on Wednesday for a time of sacred silence, time to still our minds and join together in creating sacred space in […]

Games Night

Join us on Friday, January 24, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, for Game Night! Plan to attend this Friday Night Games Extravaganza in Pilgrim Hall! Games could include scrabble, […]

2025 Annual Budget Meeting

On January 26th after worship, starting at 11:15 am we will gather both in the Sanctuary and on Zoom for our annual Budget meeting to hear an update from Council […]

Chair Yoga

Interested in maintaining or even regaining strength, flexibility, balance, good posture, inner awareness, and a relaxed body & mind? PHEW...! That's sure a lot! Well, you can! Just join us […]

Sacred Silence

Each week we gather in the Parlor at 11:00am on Wednesday for a time of sacred silence, time to still our minds and join together in creating sacred space in […]

Zoom Pub Theology

This month’s question is ‘is ‘Do we have a moral duty to future humans?’ So, grab a drink and join in the conversation! Join on Zoom. (Meeting ID: 886 8245 6539, Passcode: […]